Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Breaking the News

It was so surreal! ME?? PREGNANT?? What was I going to do? What was Josh going to do? Who do I go to? Should I leave and tell no one? So many things were running through my head. What is my family going to say? Will I be punished, disowned, isolated? WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME!!??

Telling Josh that I was pregnant felt like a dream. I thought he was going to leave. I thought he was going to make me  have an abortion. I thought it was going to be the end of our relationship. With all these doubts in my head, Josh proved me wrong. He stayed by my side, he was ready to go through this with me. Even with eachothers support, we were still in shock, scared, and confused. Thank God for my best friend and sister. Iris, my best friend: always there for me no matter what. She helped me sort my feelings, emotions, and thoughts out for weeks before I told anyone else.

My sister, Natalia, was the second person we told. We were in the parking lot of target searching for a spot to park. I told her to park in the mothers-to-be spot. And this was our conversation:

 Natalia: "No, what about all these pregnant ladies who are
 going to have to walk in the heat all because we stole their spot. No".

Me: "Well, what if I was pregnant?"

Natalia: "Are you?"

Me: cyring, "yesssss"

Natalia: "Oh my god!"

That was pretty easy. Now- my parents. Well, my sister told my mom for me. Of course the water works started. My mother cried for hours, repeating, "How could this happen, what were you thinking". This went on for a whole week! Then I had to tell my dad! He was screaming and cussing. He wanted nothing to do with me. He threatened to kill Josh!! I was in tears! But, I'm pretty sure things could have been way worse.

And so ends this drastic part of my life where I just wanted run away, just me and Josh. I felt like an embarrassment to my family, a loser with no ambition, my dignity left and I had succumbed to my parents outrage. 
After everyone cooled down, Josh and I decided we
 wanted to get married. FAST! So wedding bells were ringing a month later! 

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